Skyrim special edition lore friendly hair
Skyrim special edition lore friendly hair

skyrim special edition lore friendly hair

Modding Skyrim: Modder's Edition Use this and the CK Wiki together to start creating!.

skyrim special edition lore friendly hair

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skyrim special edition lore friendly hair

  • Tips for figuring out what's causing your issues! Maintained by /u/Thallassa.
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  • If you want to know the main advantages and disadvantages of SSE so you can decide what to play, here they are.
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  • Just narrowing down the search on Nexus SEE for hair mods, there doesn't seem to be too much choice at the moment for what you're probably looking for.Submit Help Post Submit Text Post Posting Rules FiltersĪdd, ,, , or in the title of your post so posts can be filtered! Unfilter Using Mods I think if you're using Wico and are happy with it because of the lore-friendly element, I'd recommend you stick to that. I did put a mod in called "Realistic Hair Colors" but to be honest I haven't noticed much difference. I also put in recently KS Hairdos which has a ton of styles (also sleek and somewhat glamorous) however it can take a while to load up if you go into Showracemenu to change your looks. The first link you put there - to Apachii hair, is rather sleek, I have to agree. That WICO mod you linked to in your second link looks rather "all-encompassing" and although it looks impressive in itself, I wouldn't personally put it in my game as it says it's a standalone mod and would conflict with UNP, as well as face changing mods (eg Total Character Overhaul and my current favorite - Ashara's Followers Faces), which are already in my game.

    Skyrim special edition lore friendly hair